My partner Keer and I had a great time learning how to work with Arduino and our robot. Coding with the sciborgs was really challenging and fun. The codes almost never worked out how I thought they would so it was a true learning process. Overall, it was incredibly satisfying when the sciborg would do what Keer and I intended it to do.
Both Motors
Minimum Speed
Hard Turn
Gentle Turn
10 Feet Stop
In this problem, the motor position doesn’t go back to zero if it goes forward for one second and then back for one second because the sciborg has to reverse its momentum and the timing of communication between the Arduino and the sciborg.
The range we saw with the light sensor between white to black was 0-95, respectively. When we turned on the LED, it hurt the sensitivity of the light sensor. We also found that the closer you were to the surface, the better the light sensor functioned.
Drive Straight
Our Drive Straight didn’t drive very straight. This went for all of the surfaces we tried it on. It tended to veer left every single time we ran the program, regardless of what speed we set the motors to go.
Above is the video of our sciborg with drive straight.
Drive Straighter
For this problem, we seemed to have very similar results to those of our bang bang code. Our Sciborg would veer left every time, regardless of the gain constant and how fast the motors were set to go.
Bang-bang line following
This was a fun problem to code. It took Keer and I a long time but it was so rewarding when our sciborg was finally able to make the big turn. The key was to find the light sensor reading when the sensor was between the white tape and the brown board.
Above is the video of our sciborg with band-bang line following.
Proportional line following
This was a particularly difficult problem for us to code. We essentially combined our go straight code and bang bang line following code. The results are very similar to the former as well. It took about the same amount of time and precision for our sciborg to get to the end of the line.
Above is the video of our sciborg with proportional line following.
Although I wasn’t able to view the videos, I love the structure of this blog posting. It’s well thought out and easy to read. Great job!
It was nice to read your enthusiasm about an exercise that proved so difficult and puzzling. I’m glad you found so much joy in success! In addition to the positive outlook of your post it was also very clear in the way you formatted it.
Your blog is easy to follow – good job documenting every step of such a long assignment!