Hi everyone! I’m Parul, and my name is pronounced PAA-rull. I’m an international student, and I’m from Bangalore, India. Fun fact: I can’t roll my tongue at all.
I’m taking this class because I want an introduction to engineering. Though I don’t plan to major in engineering (I’m currently a CS major), I’m very interested in design and technology and I thought this would be a great class to take.
Also here are my favorite pictures from a Facebook meme page called Cats Are Liquid.
Hi Parul! I wanted to visit Bangalore in the past, I have heard so much about the city. I have been debating majoring in CS and would love to hear what you think about the classes you have taken so far.
Hey Parul! After I saw the pictures you posted I went to the Cats are Liquid page and I loved it. You have great taste in memes.
Hi Parul! I’m taking cs111 this semester and it seems like my chance of cs is going down everytime I attend class haha Hope to get to know more about you during the course!