Today is officially my last day in Boston. I’m currently sitting at Boston Logan with five bags of luggage carrying almost everything I own. I’ve packed up, seen my brother graduate, and had a wonderful last dinner in the South End with Justin.
Here’s a picture of my brother and me at his graduation:

I’m so proud of you, brother!!
Now it’s time to head home. But I’ve some final thoughts I want to impart on you prospective students, whether you’re entering in the fall or you’re thinking about applying to Wellesley.
Wellesley College is an amazing place. It has a small community that provides a wonderful intimacy with professors and classmates yet a wonderfully broad range of opportunities to find your niche in organizations and activities. Wellesley has pushed me far beyond what I thought I was capable of and made me realize that nothing comes easy. I’m going to miss Wellesley for its wonderful professors, beautiful campus, and boundless opportunities.
Coming to Wellesley was one of the best decisions I have ever made. And I wouldn’t have redone my college application process any way. Wellesley will forever be inspiring, challenging, and home.