Category: Lia’s Blog Archive

Snow Days

It’s been snowing a lot so I’ve spent a lot of time indoors. But on the rare occasions I do step outside, the campus looks awesome. We’ve had so many snow days in the two and a half weeks of spring semester, that I’m still definitely in break mode. It’s been great being back on campus and hanging out with…

Getting Back in the Rhythm

Hi, it’s been a while. Hope you all had a great winter break, and are starting back up again in school smoothly. After school got out for WinterSession in December, I spent an amazing 5 weeks back home in Tokyo. I remember last winter, after my first semester of college and being abroad, I was so excited to be back…

A Busy, Beautiful Weekend

MY WEEKEND WAS AMAZING Slater Culture Show happened and it was incredible. It went so smoothly, all the performers were so great, and the fantastic e-board (pictured above) showed some amazing teamwork. It was an intense few months of preparation, but it all turned out so well that I have no complaints. This group of people, the international students of…

Wellesley people are the best kind of people

The Slater Culture Show is happening this Friday, October 24th at 7pm. If you’re in the area, PLEASE COME!!! It’ll be an amazing event filled with performances by students from all over the world, as well as delicious international food. As the cultural chair of the Slater International Student Organization, it has been my job to oversee the preparation process…

A Much Needed Break

***~~~ Fall Break ~~~ *** I spent the long weekend on campus and in Boston. The past few days has made me realize how much I love this season (especially in New England) and how attached I am to my roommate. She was gone the for three days and it felt like FOREVER. #vscocam I had a great lunch with…

Wellesley Life – it’s a balancing act.

My life: Slater, Phi Sig, consent (see SAAFE), cats, and my roommate. (Studying Eating in preparation for) Midterms It’s midterm season here at Wells and you can sense it all throughout the school. Tensions are high, study rooms are full, and the WiFi at times frustratingly slow. Especially in the Clapp Library where I used to spend the majority of my…

Sept 24 : (Sopho)more work to do

One month in to the first semester and I’m already so busy to the point that I’m writing this post (which should have been published hours ago) at midnight, as a break between Bio homework and Spanish homework. (view from my dorm on the fifth floor of Tower… yea, I get to see this every night.)  Wellesley, you overwhelm me.…

Spring Week is (too much) fun.

Can you believe this? We’re almost done with April. That means my first year at Wellesley is coming to an end (and so is your last year of high school.. whaaat)… And what better way to end the year than by being outdoors in the beautiful sun enjoying all this campus has to offer when the weather is nice. SLATER…

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