Category: Travel

I declared! And other news…

Hello hello! Today, I’m writing to you as an official Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences major!   I declared my major last Thursday night. Although the process was quite simple, I skyped with my family in Clapp library and my friend was there the entire time, so the moment was quite memorable! The deadline to declare a major is December 1st of…

The Wellesley-Boston Commute

This week, I thought I would talk about the shuttle that runs hourly from Wellesley to Boston during the weekdays, the MIT Exchange Bus. In the past, it had (endearingly) been referred to as The Peter, the college’s collective favorite ~boy~. This year, however, the school decided to try out new company, and I would say, as a frequent user…

Spring Break Sunshine

Hello from sunny Miami! It’s spring break, and yours truly is finally having a much-needed reunion with warm weather and a few days of relaxation. I’m writing to you on the tail end of my vacation: I’m spending five days in Florida forgetting about my many responsibilities… and five days in the thesis lab back in Boston, trying to get…

Twenty Two

I turned twenty two last Thursday. At first, I woke up and looked out the window and felt a little older. And then I immediately remembered that I had left my Western blots in the wrong buffer last night leaving the lab, and hoped they were okay (they were). Maybe that’s what being twenty two is. A combination of feeling…

Vasilopita. The Good Luck Cake.

Second semester senior year is realizing that you have an 8:30am biochemistry class Monday morning… approximately 12 hours before the first day of class begins. Yes, this was an actual thing that happened. Let me explain.  You would think that, as a second semester senior, I would be coming back from a month long Wintersession break refreshed and put together.…

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