Hello, blog! As you might be able to tell by the lateness of this post, it’s been quite a week. Actually, that might not be true. This week really hasn’t been more of a week than any other week this year, but I think that when you add all of the weeks that came before this week to the…
Category: Wellesley College

Crossing Things Off My To-Do List
Howdy blog, and happy Thursday! This week has been the week of finally getting around to things, which means that I’ve been super productive and have done many things that I can tell you all about. Go me! The first big thing I got out of the way this week was probably the most exciting: I got my…

Mission: Registration
Howdy blog, and happy Thursday! I am proud to announce that as of 8:01 this morning, I am officially registered for my sophomore fall semester classes. As per the norm, my Twitter feed has been filled with students panicking over saved schedules, wait lists, and back up courses for the past week. Personally, I’ve never had any major difficulties on…

East Bound and Down
Howdy blog, and happy Thursday! As I write this post, I am sitting in the Snuggle Cave absolutely soaking wet and very chilly from a trip down to the Ville in the rain to pick up a prescription and some Sesame Street band-aids. After I write this blog post, I have a long and very important to-do list to…

Spring Break [And Senior Week!]
Hello hello! Term 4 has hit hard, and I am insanely behind on posting. The thesis is due in less than two weeks! I started to write today’s post on FDOC and never quite finished. Here it is! Happy FDOC (first day of classes)! Today marks my last first day of college, ever. Wild! I won’t get into too much…

Vaccination Station
Hello, blog! Today, I have an exciting announcement: I’m getting vaccinated! Cue the cheers, applause, etc. Massachusetts officially moved into stage three earlier this week, and Anastasija and I were able to snag appointments in Boston tonight. Wellesley is making an exception on their Boston-travel ban for vaccination purposes, and a couple of upperclassmen set up a ride network…

Solving All My Problems With a Single Twinkle-Think
Hello again, blog, and happy Thursday! I’m in a really good mood today, and I feel like lately I’ve finally started to really enjoy my life on campus the way I did first term. Most of it is probably due to the way I’ve started thinking about the future; I’ve stopped thinking about my major as some sort of end-all-be-all…

Spring Breakers
Howdy, blog, and happy Thursday! Spring break is in full swing here at Wellesley, and I could not be happier about how things are going so far. Even the fire alarm testing in my dorm every morning starting at nine am couldn’t kill my good mood. In celebration of the total awesomeness that has been this week, I’ll be…

Meaning of Life and The End of Term 3
Today marks the first day of Term 3 finals. For my philosophy seminar, our final project was to write and present a commencement speech based on the Meaning of Life and our semester readings. I presented my speech last night in a small group over Zoom and it went well! This officially means I’m 75% done with my senior year…

April Come She Will
Happy April Fools! Today marks the second day of reading period here at Wellesley, which is no laughing matter. I’m currently knee deep in research for my final history essay, and I’m preparing to take my Tolstoy exam tomorrow, too. I will be the first to admit that this term definitely kicked my butt, and at the end of…