Attending The Fair at Wellesley? Here’s 10 Tips to Working a Career Fair

TOMORROW’S THE BIG DAY! We hope to see you at our annual career fair tomorrow, February 13, 2013 in Tishman Commons from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. The Fair will bring 60 science companies, not-for-profit/public service organizations and for-profit companies to campus to recruit Wellesley students and alumnae for jobs and internships. Curious about the…

Get a Job in Law. In this Economy. In the Federal Government. Seriously.

Despite sequester, fiscal cliffs, debt ceilings and other unnatural federal government disasters, there will always be entry-level law related federal jobs.  They just will be harder to find and get. These jobs are in federal agencies all over the U.S. The Partnership for Public Service 2009 report, Where the Jobs Are: Mission Critical Opportunities for America,…

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