Sit to Stand Brainstorm and Research (Alex and Angela)

Research about how elderly people get out of chairs:


Video showing a Sarah automated lift for reference (at around 5:45)


Types of lifts:

Sara Lift

-Automated lift

-wheel lock

-remote (needs assistance)

-back pad or harness moves up and does most of support


-not portable or able to be used everywhere


Progress Mobility/Counterweight Pull down lift



-foot pad

-overhead handles to pull up

-wheel lock

-hard back pad not strap

-shin protectors to prevent falling forward


Ceiling Lift

-Not portable

-hangs off ceiling

-has fabric seat



Manual Lift (see walmart couch lift for reference)


-handles near knees to allow pushing up

-most simple

-possibility of falling forward



-Swivel chair with back rest as back strap

-chair with handle that turn into overhead lift up

-Swivel arms that are in back of chair for aesthetics until needed and you swivel them forward to use as overhead lift

-button that swivels arms forward (think gym machine)

-Tip forward chair with pump that tilts the chair a few degrees further for gradual assistance lifting

-stationary handles on chair


How do people with disabilities stand up from sitting and what parts of the body are weakest/used most? Is falling forward a strong danger or should we focus more on the getting up part?


Priscilla Suggestions:

  • Slippery, grips need to be good for wet
  • Try your own sit on ground to standing ability and see the mechanics, get multiple people
  • Different possibility of transference from boat to dock
  • Legs and core–different areas of body used
  1. Hey Alex and Angela! All your guys’ ideas are extremely innovative and interesting, but it does seem like they also require a lot of physical strength or expensive technology. So maybe see if you can find something to trade off with these qualities?

  2. I like the idea of having something that adjusts as the user stands up, also this way it can be used for many different body types. I think if it’s on a dock it is going to get wet and that might be something to consider if moving parts are involved in the design.

  3. You guys have a variety of design ideas, so I like how you are exploring very different options, and I also like the focus on aesthetics. I agree with Aliza in her observation that it seems like someone would need a good amount of upper body strength to use some of these designs. I like this idea of an overhead lift. You might want to research if this would be safer near the water, since you are not leaning forward so much when the ground may be slippery.

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