June 2014 archive

Importance of experiencing the “user experience”

I am sitting here in Istanbul airport, waiting to board a flight. Thankfully the internet is working great and because of the long layover we got lot accomplished sitting in a Starbucks.

I wanted to write about my printing experience  during last week. Those who know me also know that I am paperless and hardly print. I had to print the salary letters so I could write a note to the LTS staff in their letters. It needed to be printed in color because of a signature in color. I was told that the best place to print is the Community printer in Clapp Library.

First step, I had to install Papercut. I was very happy to see the documentation here. It is detailed and well done! One of our staff at the reference desk helped me through it. I was racing against time, so I was a bit impatient with the install, which required several steps, but I attributed that more to me than poor software design such as “Do you really want to install this?” (Why ask such a question?, puhleese)

Then started the problems. The staff member inserted the letterhead in a tray from which it was supposed to be picked up, which didn’t work. However, I needed to give a username and password on my Mac everytime I printed (which I went ahead and saved for the long haul). But to release it every time, I needed to provide my username and  password (about 15 characters long) in the printer. It was annoying, but I understand why. (more…)

Collaboration – Informing vs Involving

These past several weeks have been very busy and exciting. One of our sons got married and the other graduated. Everything went off well and we are extremely proud of our children and their accomplishments.

I am planning to keep the next few posts short 🙂

I was talking to a few of my colleagues about why is it that some of the projects take so long. I care a lot about efficiencies. Unfortunately efficiency works against culture, and it is extremely important to find the right balance between the two. Obviously, finding such a balance is non-trivial and takes a lot of practice and time. However, if we don’t keep reminding ourselves of this, more often than not, we will sacrifice efficiencies for the sake of cultural reasons. Which way to tilt the balance depends entirely on what we are trying to do.
