April 2019 archive

Workday Student – an Important Milestone

Transition from one ERP to another is rare (at least until recently). When it happens, there is a sense of excitement, but a quick realization that it is an arduous task. Such transitions require careful planning as well as the cooperation of many members of the institution. And almost always, even the well laid out plans don’t always work, so, not letting the roadblocks that come in the way affect the morale of the team, but finding workarounds and the willingness to accept some compromises is essential. We experienced all of these during the past three years and I am very happy to say that we have achieved a major milestone and will begin the process of opening up Workday student in a couple of weeks.

It will be a phased approach whereby the students will begin using different features at different times. During the first phase, all students will have the ability to review their personal information and make modifications themselves. We have also moved the checklist for the incoming first years from a custom application to Workday.


My experience with Mobileye

from: https://www.geotab.com/geoimages/blog/extra/eyewatch-6-display-aug2016.jpg

My wife and I recently traveled in Israel and Jordan and during last couple of days, we rented a car to drive around Northern Israel. The vehicle had this little gadget stuck on the left side of front windshield. I had no idea what it was and as always, I told myself “we will figure it out”. It turned out to be the Mobileye!

I was pleasantly surprised by the various things it did, which I will describe first. Then, when we met up with my wife’s colleagues, I learned a little bit more about it. All of this was fascinating for me, so I thought I would share it with you all.
