Posts Tagged ‘printing’

Importance of experiencing the “user experience”

I am sitting here in Istanbul airport, waiting to board a flight. Thankfully the internet is working great and because of the long layover we got lot accomplished sitting in a Starbucks.

I wanted to write about my printing experience  during last week. Those who know me also know that I am paperless and hardly print. I had to print the salary letters so I could write a note to the LTS staff in their letters. It needed to be printed in color because of a signature in color. I was told that the best place to print is the Community printer in Clapp Library.

First step, I had to install Papercut. I was very happy to see the documentation here. It is detailed and well done! One of our staff at the reference desk helped me through it. I was racing against time, so I was a bit impatient with the install, which required several steps, but I attributed that more to me than poor software design such as “Do you really want to install this?” (Why ask such a question?, puhleese)

Then started the problems. The staff member inserted the letterhead in a tray from which it was supposed to be picked up, which didn’t work. However, I needed to give a username and password on my Mac everytime I printed (which I went ahead and saved for the long haul). But to release it every time, I needed to provide my username and  password (about 15 characters long) in the printer. It was annoying, but I understand why. (more…)