Posts Tagged ‘Virtual Library’

Some Ideas for New Technologies

A Disclaimer: Though I would like to think that I came up with these ideas first and I am the only one who came up with these ideas, the reality is that there are many others who would have come up with the same or much better ideas and worse, some of these already exist and I just don’t know about them!

Credit Cards/NFC (Near Field Communication) – Many banks now give you the option to get emails or texts when your credit card charges are over a certain limit. Now that many merchants are accepting payments via NFC through mobile phone, the same applies. Great feature. What I need additionally is the receipts for purchases also be communicated along with it, so I don’t have to print receipts. Similarly, if I want to return something, no need to hunt down the receipt, just use the same credit card/NFC and the merchant can pull up the receipt. I know that some privacy advocates wouldn’t want this, so make it optional.
