Hello New Students,
It’s is July 27th and there are 27 days until Orientation begins! Although the incoming class is yellow, it seems that this week Denisse and I have been thinking green.
With just about three weeks until Move-in day, Denisse and I have finally finished our budget. As German and Peace and Justice majors respectively, we each had a lot of fun dusting off our math skills.
We have also been trying to think about how to make Orientation more sustainable this year. At our committee meeting on Tuesday we had guests from the Wellesley College Sustainbility committee come talk to us about water bottles, composting at our major events, and the Rummage Sale. For more information, visit their website here.
We are really interested in what knowledge First Years have about sustainability and how that changes over the span of your time at Wellesley. Please take this survey to help us collect some information about how well Wellesley addresses sustainability. Completing the survey enters you in a raffle to receive a great prize!
The rummage sale takes place on Monday August 29th and offers a wide variety of home goods and school supplies in great conditions for a fraction of the cost of department stores, so please consider doing your school shopping here first.
We hope you’re trying to be sustainable this summer as well!
Love from Wellesleyland,
Let’s be real: Mason jars with handles > waterbottles, even BPA-free ones. YES.