Java 7 security update

UPDATE: Please see ourĀ most recent advice on Java.

Oracle has released Java 7 Update 11 to fix the security hole that affected previous versions of Java 7 that were reported late last week. Check Oracle’s website to see which version of Java is on your computer, and make sure you are running the latest versions based on the information below.

Banner ERP and Nolij users should use Java 6.

– If you have Java 6, it should be Java 6 Update 38. If not, see our directions for installing Java 6 Update 38.
– If you have Java 7, it should be Java 7, Update 11. If not, update from Oracle’s website, and follow these directions to remove older versions.

Mac OS X 10.7 & 10.8:
– If you have Java 6, it should be Java 6 Update 37. If not, run Apple Software Update and install any Java updates listed.
– If you have Java 7, it should be Java 7 Update 11. If not, update from Oracle’s website. Older versions will be removed during the install.

Mac OS X 10.6:
– Run Apple Software Update and install any Java updates listed to make sure you have the latest version of Java 6.
– Java 7 is not available for OS X 10.6.

To: Faculty, staff, students
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Computing Help Desk, x3333 (faculty/staff), x7777 (students)

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