Sakai downtime March 17th at 5am

Sakai will be temporarily unavailable due to software maintenance by our vendor. This work is scheduled for Monday, March 17th at 5 AM. According to the vendor it should not take longer than 30 minutes. If you encounter any issues on Monday morning, please reach out to the Instructional Technology team at

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Monday, March 3rd at 7AM – Authentication Redundancy

After the network outage in November, we have been actively working to build redundancies to avoid long outages. As a first step, we will be supplementing our Duo Single Signon (SSO) environment by adding systems hosted outside our campus network. This work is scheduled for Monday, March 3rd at 7 AM. Though we do not expect this to result in any interruptions, we wanted to provide you a heads up.

If you encounter any issues on Monday morning, please reach out to the LTS Help Desk at

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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License Manager Monthly Server Updates – Every 4th Tuesday of the Month

As part of our data security and risk mitigation efforts we are required to update our servers on a regular basis to ensure critical patches are being applied. We strongly advise that you save your work prior to the update and quit the applications before the updates begin. Additionally, avoid scheduling any long-running software tasks that may be interrupted by the maintenance window.

The window is every 4th Tuesday of the month from 4 AM – 5 AM.

Next update is on February 25th.

Software that could be affected:

  • Ableton
  • Geneious
  • Geneious Prime
  • LabView
  • JMP
  • KeyShadow
  • Mathematica
  • Matlab
  • Max 8
  • Maya
  • Rhino
  • Stata
  • Sibelius
  • SPSS 

If you have any issues accessing the following software after the maintenance window, please contact the Help Desk at or 781-283-3333 (staff and faculty) or 781-283-7777 (students)  so we can assist you.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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Duo Phone/Text authentication outage UPDATE

All  Duo 2FA services have been restored.


Duo 2FA is currently experiencing an outage with phone call and text message authentications.  They have identified the issue and are working on a fix.

Remembered devices, Duo Mobile and Duo Token authentications still work.  If you need to add Duo Mobile to your account, please contact the Help Desk.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x2871

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Duo Phone/Text authentication outage

Duo 2FA is currently experiencing an outage with phone call and text message authentications.  They have identified the issue and are working on a fix.

Remembered devices, Duo Mobile and Duo Token authentications still work.  If you need to add Duo Mobile to your account, please contact the Help Desk.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x2871

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LTS Support on Monday, February 17, 2025, Presidents’ Day

LTS staff will be unavailable on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 17, 2025, a holiday that the College observes.

  • Library service desks in the Art Library, Music Library, and Room 103 in the Mods will be staffed by students from 8:15-midnight. See the hours page for additional details.
  • Special Collections and Archives will be closed.
  • LTS Help Desk and Registrar’s Office will also be closed and we will not be able to respond to the emails sent to the ticketing systems until Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
  • In case of any major issues such as a network or service outage, please call the Campus Police to report. They will call the appropriate LTS staff to help diagnose and correct the issue. 

To: Students, Faculty and Staff

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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Monday, February 17th  6:30AM – 7:30AM Classroom Software Updates – Pymol, Firefox, Zotero

On  Monday, February 17th  from 6:30AM – 7:30AM we will be updating the following:

  • Pymol Application and licensing. Please save any work before that time, in the event you are not able to get in or are kicked out.

PyMOL is a molecular visualization program that allows users to view and analyze 3D models of biological molecules. 

  • Firefox Browser

  • Zotero Application

Zotero is free and open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials, such as PDF and ePUB files.

We were unable to implement these before the classes began because the vendor for Pymol did not inform us that the new license will require a mandatory software update. Similarly, we were unaware of an issue with SSL certificate expiry for Firefox which requires us to update it. We are choosing to do this on President’s Day when classes are not scheduled.

If you have any issues accessing either on a classroom/lab computer after this maintenance window, please contact the Help Desk at or 781-283-3333 (faculty and staff) or 781-283-7777 (students) so we can assist you.

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01/31/25 Network in Green Hall and Founders is back online

Update: Green Hall and Founders are now back online. The damage to the fiber optic cable has been fixed. We appreciate your patience.

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Reduced Art Library Hours Saturday February 1st

The Art Library will be open 3pm to 7pm Saturday, February 1st due to critical repairs to the heating system in the Art wing of the Jewett Arts Center.  Swipe access to the Art Library will still be available for faculty and staff.

Library services remain available 10am to 7pm in the Music Library, which should not be affected by the heating outage. 

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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01/31/25 Network is down in Green Hall and Founders

The Wellesley network is currently down in Green Hall and Founders as a result of damage to the fiber optic cable that serves these buildings. We are working with the vendor and the Facilities team to resolve the issue and will post again when we have an estimated time for the repairs to be completed and the network is expected to come up.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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