5/18 5:15pm Server relocation (NTM, virtual desktop, etc.)

As of 5pm, the project is complete and VDI (virtual desktops), NTM (& secondary storage), Drupal (college website editing), and digital signage are all available (earlier than expected, thanks to our talented team).

Beginning on Fri., May 17, 5pm, several services will be unavailable for most of the weekend, perhaps until Sun., May 19, 5pm.  We will update this blog post during the weekend as services come back online — we will endeavor to have them available as quickly as possible.

  • NTM & Secondary Storage (Vault is NOT affected)
  • VDI (Virtual Desktops)
  • Digital Signage (AxisTV)

Some of you may have specialized use of these or other servers — I will be contacting you to confirm availability. This project consolidates our data center and reduces the College’s environmental footprint, so your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

To: Faculty and staff
From, more info: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171

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