We are reasonably confident that the issues have been resolved, both on and off campus. We are very grateful for your patience. If you continue to have issues, please contact the Computing Help Desk.
9:45 In order to diagnose the problem, we will need to reboot our network, which will cause a momentary interruption.
8:50am We are still experiencing internet issues, both on-campus (access to Google Apps) and off-campus (access to various sites). We know how frustrating this is, and are working as hard as possible to resolve the issues. As always, the Help Desk is the best place for up to the minute information.
2:30pm The issue with internet is widespread, well beyond the campus. Some users have access, others do not. VPN is working from off-campus. We will update you as soon as we have more information from our service provider.
11:45am Our internet service provider (ISP) is having issues, resulting in difficulty getting to off-campus sites (including our Google Apps). We are confirming that on-campus network issues have been resolved.
10:30am We are having reports of network/internet issues including getting to sites on and off-campus.
To: Faculty, staff, students
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Computing Help Desk, x3333 (faculty/staff), x7777 (students), helpdesk@wellesley.edu