Phishing: UPGRADE!!! emails

If you receive this message, click the arrow in the upper right of the message and choose Report phishing.

You have reached the storage limit on your mailbox
Please visit the below link to restore your email access
System Helpdesk

A few ways telltale signs of phishing: 1. you have gobs of storage through Gmail (30GB), 2. non-Wellesley server name, 3. non-781 phone number, 4. we don’t have a “system helpdesk”, 5. not signed by an LTS staff member, 6. I didn’t click the link, but I bet they want your password — we’ll never ask for that!

If you did provide your password, go to immediately and reset it. Also contact our Help Desk.

To: Students, faculty, staff
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
Questions, more info: Help Desk, x7777 (students), x3333 (faculty/staff),


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