3/17 Phishing: “Message from IT Dept”

Do not respond to this message (below). Instead, in the upper right corner of the message, click the triangle and select “Report phishing.”

Dear Account Owner,
Message from IT Dept. of Wellesley College, We are upgrading all @wellesley.edu to the newer version, we request you now to please click here to update and enjoy the new version.
IT Dept.
Address: 106 Central St, Wellesley, MA 02481, United States

If you did click on the link in the message, contact the Computing Help Desk immediately.

To: Students, faculty, staff
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Computing Help Desk, helpdesk@wellesley.edu, faculty staff: x3333, students: x7777


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