1/22 Changes in public color printing

As of today, community lab printers and community print queues will no longer print in color — instead, based on your feedback, there are 2 new color printers available, you can pay for color prints immediately, and CloudPrint has been made more reliable. New instructions for color printing.

These changes are for public printing only; there are no changes to printing in administrative and academic offices.

Printing in color?
Send your 8.5×11 color printouts to our 2 new color printers. Pay  $0.20 per page when you collect your printouts from the Clapp Service Desk or Science Library Service Desk, or add the charges to your library account and pay later on.

Printing grayscale?
Continue using Papercut’s Community queues and select grayscale printing, then release your jobs for printing at one of the multifunctional devices as usual in the labs.

Printing from a Chromebox/Chromebook?
There are 3 printer queues currently available for Wellesley, students, faculty, and staff to use; just look for a printer with “Grayscale” or “Color” at the beginning of its name. Collect your color printouts at the Service Desks or release your grayscale print jobs at the multifunction devices.

Need Help?
If you need help setting up PaperCut or a new printer on your personal computer, stop by the Computing Help Desk. The library service desks also provide public printing support. If you have any questions or concerns about public printing, you can also send a message to papercut-support@wellesley.edu 

To: Public printing users
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: http://bit.ly/1yJgQG5

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