The Blizzard

We wanted to provide you with some valuable information regarding communication and various technology related matters in light of the impending blizzard.

  • During times that the College is officially closed, all libraries will also remain closed.

  • Our College website, email, and Sakai are hosted elsewhere and they will be available throughout.

  • We will keep the information updated on the LTS website. Please consult for current information pertaining to LTS services.

  • Other critical services such as MyWellesley, NTM, Vault, and Banner that are on campus. If the College loses power or the campus network connection is affected, you will not be able to reach these services.

  • Students on campus will not be able to access the College website, Sakai, and Google services if there is a power or network outage. They can reach these services through their cell phones.

  • In that event, you can connect directly to Google via and to Sakai via

  • Remember that if you need to access certain protected College resources such as NTM or Vault from off campus, you need to VPN first by connecting to If you have not used VPN before, please click here for further information.

  • Please note: we are trying to increase the number of simultaneous VPN connections asap. If all the allowed connections have been taken up, you may not be able to connect.

  • Many LTS staff will be monitoring the services and act on them as appropriate if there are disruptions. Their ability to help depends on whether they have electricity and an internet connection at home.

  • Finally, if there is a power outage, when power is restored many services should come up fine. If others do not, we will update service alerts and the LTS home page. This is especially important to classroom technology. If the College opens on Wednesday, our classroom support team will do everything possible to make sure that the classroom instructor stations are up and functional. If, for a variety of reasons, this is not possible, we will communicate with the faculty.

Stay warm and hope that any disruptions are minimal. May the power be with you (literally)!

To: Faculty, students, staff
From, more info: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171

This entry was posted in Banner, Blogs, College website, Email, Google, Internet, Library, MyWellesley, Network, Sakai. Bookmark the permalink.