Banner ERP users: Chrome v.42+, new portal

1. Chrome users: Once Chrome is upgraded to version 42 and beyond, you may get an error message when you open Banner ERP for the first time. It’s a quick and easy fix, described here:

2. All Banner ERP users: Get ready for the new MyWellesley portal! When you launch Banner ERP in the new MyWellesley, you’ll be prompted to enter your Oracle password — this is your Wellesley domain password, and you’ll only have to do this once. Take a moment today to get this out of the way, so it doesn’t pop up when you’re in a rush after May 4, when the new MyWellesley goes live.

You can get to the new MyWellesley from the current MyWellesley (see the top of the middle column on the Home tab) or go directly to

As always, contact the Computing Help Desk if you need help or have questions.

To: Banner ERP users
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Computing Help Desk,, x3333 (faculty-staff), administrative support (x2056)

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