On Monday, August 3 at 6:00 AM, LTS will update our network security certificate as a part of a required network security upgrade. After this time, some users connecting to the wired network or the Wellesley Secure wireless network may see a pop-up window asking them to download and accept, or just accept this new security certificate.
Accepting this certificate will allow your computer/mobile device to access the network. If you are using multiple devices (computer, phone, tablet, etc.), each device will require you to accept the new certificate. Please be advised that accepting the new certificate prior to 9:00 AM on Monday may be slower than normal; your network performance otherwise should be unaffected.
If you have any questions about this pop-up, or have any trouble connecting your devices to the network, please call the Help Desk at 781-283-3333.
To: Everyone
From: Lori Parmet, LTS, 781-283-2171 or lparmet@wellesley.edu
More info: Help Desk, LTS, 781-283-3333 or helpdesk@wellesley.edu