8/6 6-8 AM Xerox MFD printing and scanning and student printing unavailable during maintenance

On Thursday, August 6, from 6-8:00 AM, printing and scanning on departmental Xerox MFDs and student printing (Papercut MobilityPrint) will be unavailable while we perform maintenance. Printing and scanning should resume normally when maintenance is complete. Note: Departmental HP printers are not impacted by this work.

For assistance with Xerox MFD printing issues, contact the Computing Help Desk at 781-283-3333 or helpdesk@wellesley.edu or the Copy Center at 781-283-1111.

For assistance with MobilityPrint printing issues, students should contact the Computing Help Desk at 781-283-3333 or helpdesk@wellesley.edu.

To: Faculty, students, and staff
From: Lori Parmet, LTS, 781-283-2171
More info: Computing Help Desk, LTS, 781-283-3333

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