Campus Network Upgrade

Our on-campus network hardware has reached its age-based “end of support” with our vendor. As our network is critical for the work of the College and must be supported, we will be replacing more than 1600 network devices in buildings around campus over the next several months. 

We are scheduling these upgrades in order to minimize disruption to everyone living and working on campus, but as with any major infrastructure change, everyone, even those working remotely, will experience some downtime during this process.

We are sharing this Network Upgrade Downtimes spreadsheet with you so you can check in on our progress, and where and when any upcoming outages will be occurring. We will be updating this spreadsheet daily.

As a part of this work, the central hardware through which all network traffic flows will need to be upgraded. This upgrade will cause a significant disruption to our network and networked resources on Saturday, January 9th from 4 AM to noon. While this downtime is inconvenient, we have done our best to schedule it in a way that minimizes its impact. 

Saturday, January 9, 4 AM-noon

Most campus network services will be unavailable for both remote and on campus users:

On-campus network (wired and wireless) will be unavailable.
On-campus connections to the internet will be unavailable.
On-campus services will be unavailable for on-campus and remote users, including VPN, academic software licenses, printing, web applications, databases, and file servers such as NTM and Vault.  If you have questions about the status of a specific service, please contact the Help Desk.

Cloud services will be available for remote users, including the College Website, the Wellesley Portal, GoogleApps, Workday, Zoom, Sakai, and Kaltura.

On-campus telephones will continue to ring.

Zoom Phone, for those offices already using it, will continue to work as long as you have a connected device. If you are on campus, your device will need to be connected to your cell provider.

If you have a question about a service required for your work on Saturday, January 9th, please call the Help Desk at 781-283-3333.

To: Everyone
From: Lori Parmet, LTS,
More info: Help Desk, LTS, or 781-283-3333 (faculty/staff); 781-283-7777 (students)

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