4/23 – 4/24 Code42 unavailable

Starting Saturday, April 23, 2022, Code42 will be performing system maintenance. This maintenance is expected to end Sunday, April 24, 2022. Since no specific hours were provided, the expectation is that this maintenance will take 2 full days.

During maintenance, both the backup and restore services will remain unavailable. This means you will not be able to restore any files from the backup during this period and backup of any files that change during this period will be suspended.

However, any files that changed on your computer during this maintenance period will be backed up automatically once maintenance completes. Restores will also be available after the maintenance completes.

To: Code42 users
From: Daniella ElBialy, LTS, x3973
More info: Computing Help Desk, LTS, 781-283-3333

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