Cybersecurity Compliance Testing scheduled from 8 AM on Friday, July 7th until 12 midnight on Sunday, July 9th

In order to comply with Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), we are required to conduct an annual cybersecurity compliance test. This involves running through a set of software that mimics what the hackers typically try to do to enter into our networks and steal the information. This process only attempts to connect to all the servers on campus, including some of the departmental and faculty research servers. This is a time consuming process, but should not result in any service outage. However, it is possible that for short periods of time between 8 AM on Friday, July 7th and 12 midnight on Sunday, July 9th, certain services may be slow. 

Depending on the findings of this exercise and their severity, we may have to take immediate actions that may result in service outages. We will inform the community before we take such services down.

If you notice any service outage for an extended period of time, please call the helpdesk at X3333 on Friday or the Campus Police on Saturday and Sunday.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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