Currently Workday has an idle timeout of 15 minutes. That simply means if you have not interacted with Workday in any fashion for 15 minutes, you will be automatically logged out and you need to log back in. The reason why systems have such logout has to do with security. For example, if you left your machine either in your office or in a public location like the Library and walked out for any number of reasons, it is possible for someone else to do malicious things that becomes harder to track and remedy. Unfortunately, if you did not save your work before the idle timeout counter began and logged you out, you will lose your work.
Based on a few recent emails that we received in this regard, we have decided to extend this timeout to two hours. This change will take place on Friday, July 21st at 6 AM. If you are already logged in at that time, you will need to relogin for this to take effect.
Despite the fact that we now have an extension for the timeout, the security concern remains. We strongly recommend that regardless of where you are (your own office, or in a meeting room or in a public location like Library), ALWAYS turn on the lock screen when you have to step away from your device. You can read more about Screenlock here.
To: Everyone
From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671