Critical Updates During Winter Break

The following is a list of required system maintenance work that needs to be carried out and we will be doing them during the holiday to cause the least disruptions. We have also chosen times to do these recognizing that some of our departments will be operational during this week during regular working hours.

Please contact the helpdesk if you encounter any service interruptions beyond the planned maintenance window. 

  • December 27th (4am – 9am) : Possible interruptions to VPN, internet access, wellesley secure, and NTM/Vault.
  • December 28th – December 30th (1am – 5am): all Wellesley networks will have brief interruptions during this timeframe (Wellesley secure, eduroam, guest and wired connections).
  • January 3rd (4am – 8am) Papercut application will be upgraded and unavailable.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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