4/10/24 6AM – 8AM Papercut will not be available

Papercut, the service used primarily by students to print to public computers on campus, will be unavailable on Wednesday, April 10th  from 6 AM to 8 AM. We have become aware of a security vulnerability that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause during this busy period of the semester.

If you have any issues printing after this window, please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@wellesley.edu or 781-283-7777  so we can assist you.

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Microsoft Office Updates for Macs

Microsoft Office 2019 is no longer supported on Macs. The official update for this stopped on October 10, 2023. We apologize for not picking this up and informing the community earlier. This resulted from staffing challenges we had most of last year. Since it is an unsupported software, no one running it is getting any security updates and therefore we strongly suggest that you upgrade it to Office 2021 as soon as possible by following the instructions below.

All classroom/lab machines will be updated to Office 2021 for Fall 2024.

Some new features in Office 2021.  The design has also been updated for newer Mac operating systems.

Only Word, Excel, and PowerPoint applications will be installed with this Office 2021 update. If you require other Office apps, email the Help Desk at helpdesk@wellesley.edu for assistance.


  • Off Campus?:  If you are updating to Office 2021 while off campus, you will need to be logged in to the VPN in order to run the Office 2021 update.  Depending on your home internet connection, the installation can take up to 20 minutes.
  • Operating System Compatibility:  Office 2021 is compatible with the following 3 most recent Mac operating systems only:  Sonoma (macOS 14), Ventura (macOS 13), and Monterey (macOS 12).  Please contact the Help Desk for assistance with updating your Mac operating system if it is older than these 3 versions.
  • EndNote:  Endnote X9 is not compatible with Office 2021.  If you use Endnote, you will need to upgrade Endnote to version 21.

Any questions or issues, please reach out to the Help Desk, helpdesk@wellesley.edu

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4/25/24 Deadline for Technology Purchases

If you plan to make any technology purchases before June 30, 2024, please fill out the form request for purchases to LTS ASAP, but no later than April 25, 2024. Please note that we will not accept requests that are received after midnight on April 25, 2024, for processing for the current budget year. 

Orders must ship and arrive at the College prior to June 30 in order for you to pay for them using the  FY24 (current budget year) budgeting.

We strongly encourage you to go through LTS for all College related laptop/desktop purchases to benefit from the following advantages:

  • All laptop/desktop purchases through LTS will be exempt from sales tax. If you directly purchase such items out of pocket, you will have to pay taxes and the College will only reimburse $5 of sales tax per receipt.
  • All authorized purchasers now have access to order peripherals and other technology items (excluding laptops/desktops) from the suppliers CDW, Connection, B&H, through Workday. LTS has created catalogs that will list preferred brands or models. If you are an authorized purchaser we encourage you to order directly using Workday, tax free. If you want to learn more, please contact the Purchasing Office at purchasing@wellesley.edu.
  • LTS automatically adds it to the College’s technology inventory which helps with any future problem resolutions.
  • LTS can advise you on whether the hardware is consistent with something that we will be able to support.
  • For software, LTS can advise you if we already have licensing, so that you do not have to pay to acquire your own licenses.

Questions? Please contact the Help Desk at x3333 or helpdesk@wellesley.edu.

Thank you!

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Update regarding VPN (Virtual Private Network) Software

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a software that is used to connect to the College provided services securely when you are off campus. It encrypts all network transmissions from the computer and makes your computer appear to be on the campus network when successfully connected.

The VPN software we currently use is Cisco AnyConnect and most of the VPN users should be running version 4.x.. This will no longer be supported by the vendor from 3/31/24. We would like to make a new version ( available that is compatible with macOS 11 (Big Sur) and newer (12: Monterey, 13: Ventura, 14: Sonoma) and Windows 10/11.  If you are on an older macOS such as Catalina, Mojave, or older you will not be able to install the new version and will not be able to connect to the VPN after the upgrade.

We will be updating the VPN on Saturday, March 22nd at 9AM.

Any time that you try to establish a VPN connection after this upgrade, your system will automatically download and install the new version. If you need assistance in doing so, we will be happy to assist.

If you have any questions or concerns after the VPN has been updated, please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@wellesley.edu or 781-283-3333 (staff and faculty) or 781-283-7777 (students)  so we can assist you.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671


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Access to Microsoft365 (used to be Office365) is changing

Friday, March 22nd at 7AM

Faculty (including Emeriti), staff, students at the College have access to Microsoft Office suite of programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Onenote) that the College has licensed which they can install or update on their own computers or use versions of these software with limited capabilities on the web browser. This can be accessed through the MyWellesley Portal under Administrivia > For Everyone > Microsoft 365. This system used to be called Office365, but has been renamed to Microsoft365 recently.

So far, accessing this system requires you to set up a separate password and this will change after 8 AM on Friday, March 22nd. You will use the domain password that you use to access all services at the College. This login is also tied to Duo, so the first time you login, you will see the Duo prompt, which you can configure to trust the browser for 30 days so you won’t be prompted again for 30 days (you can read more about how to do it here).

For more information about the Microsoft 365 at Wellesley,  go to: https://www1.wellesley.edu/lts/microsoft365

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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Spring Break library hours for Library Modulars, Art, and Music Libraries

Spring Break library hours for Library Modulars, Art, and Music Libraries

Note: Faculty have swipe access every day from 7am-10pm.

  • Friday, March 15: Open and staffed 8:15am – 4:30pm
  • Saturday-Sunday, March 16-17: No Staff 
  • Monday-Friday, March 18-22: Open and staffed 8:30am-4:30pm. 
  • Saturday, March 23: No Staff
  • Sunday, March 24: Open and staffed 12 noon-12 midnight. 


To: Students, Faculty and Staff

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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Firewall update Saturday 3/16/24 @9pm

LTS is performing a maintenance update to our firewalls Saturday, March 16th at 9pm.  This should not result in any disruption to the network. However, if you experience any issues, please contact the campus police if you are on campus or send us an email at helpdesk@wellesley.edu.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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Spring Break Server Update

Wednesday March 20th 6AM – 8AM

LTS will be updating an application that manages licensed software. Following applications will not be available during this time.

Max 8

Please plan ahead. If you have any problems accessing the above applications after 8am, please contact the Helpdesk at helpdesk@wellesley.edu.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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3/9/24 Workday Bi-annual Update: A Heads up on Some Changes!

This weekend on March 9th Workday will be conducting one of their major bi-annual updates and you should expect Workday to be unavailable longer than usual on Saturday morning. With this update you will find some changes to the user experience. Below is a summary of what’s to come:

  • The two individual Benefits and Pay worklets have been combined into one worklet called Benefits and Pay.

Making it easier for employees to find all their benefits, compensation details and pay information in one easily accessible location. You no longer have to navigate through different sections of Workday.

  • Expense worklet will be replaced by an Expenses Hub.

A redesigned navigation pane, easy access to related tasks including payment elections all found in one place. Please see here for what you currently see and what you will see after the update.

  • The inbox is now called My Tasks

With My Tasks you will find there to be advanced search capabilities, improved navigational experience, saved search functionality, and a collapsible navigation pane. Click here for more details.

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UPDATE: Nationwide Cell Phone Service Outage

2/22/24 1:30PM – AT&T is reporting 75% of service has been restored, so it appears that services should soon be fully restored.

2/22/24  11:41 AM – A major cell network outage has been reported, primarily affecting AT&T customers. Due to this outage, phone calls, text messages, internet access for AT&T customers either remain unavailable or intermittent. Please note that if you connect to a Wireless network at the College or home, you will have internet access.

Duo 2FA authentication requests through SMS text messages or phone calls to AT&T customers are affected due to this outage.  The Duo Mobile app will still work without interruption. If you have issues with Duo 2FA, please contact the Help Desk for assistance. 

Emergency campus notifications, if necessary, may not be received due to this outage, but they are also sent via email.

We will update you when this issue has been resolved.

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