1:02pm All buildings now have stable network connectivity. Please contact the Help Desk if you are still unable to connect to the network. Thank you for your patience.
11:32am Network is now available in Science. We are still working on Founders, Observatory, and Trade Shops.
11:03am Network is now available in Simpson/Health Services. We are still working on Science, Founders, and Trade Shops. Thank you for the reports and your continued patience.
10:02 am Green Hall & the Campus Center are back; there continue to be sporadic network issues in Science, Simpson, Founders, and Trade Shops. We are working quickly to bring them back up.
9:45am We are currently investigating several reports of network connectivity issues across campus. We will provide an update shortly. Thank you for your patience.
To: Faculty, staff, students
From: Erin Richardson, LTS, x2867
More info: Computing Help Desk, x3333 (faculty/staff), x7777 (students), helpdesk@wellesley.edu