5/4 10am FindIt at Wellesley fixed

This issue has been resolved.

5/3 4pm The FindIt@Wellesley function linking article citations from databases to full text may produce an error message or frowning face as the article loads. While we resolve the issue, please try this:

1) Click Additional Options in the righthand column, which loads a new window with blue Article and Journal buttons.

2) Click Article, or click Journal to browse to it.

3) If you see an ominous message suggesting you “return to safety” or similar, either choose to proceed anyway (it’s safe), or remove the “s” from “https” in the URL.

Contact us if you still cannot get to your article.

To: FindIt@Wellesley users
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: askus@wellesley.edu or Elliot Brandow, LTS, x3512

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