LTS is replacing wireless access points across campus this summer. On the day(s) your building receives new access points, you may see a brief interruption in wireless connectivity while an access point near you is replaced (5-10 minutes). Your device will likely reconnect to another nearby access point at this time. As we replace them one by one, each outage is localized to a specific area – not the entire building at once.
June 20 – Trade Shops, Physical Plant, Motor Pool, Campus Police, Distribution Center, Shakespeare, Child Study Center, Day Care Center
June 21 – Alumnae Hall, Weaver
June 24 – Pendleton East & Jewett
June 30 – July 1 – Observatory, Science Center
The schedule is located here. We will post when there is a major update.
To: Faculty, staff, students
From, more info: Erin Richardson, LTS, x2867; Computing Help Desk x3333 (faculty/staff), x7777 (students)