We are happy to report that the repairs are now complete and incoming calls are working. Thank you for your patience.
1/15 5:30pm Since yesterday afternoon, our vendor has been working on diagnosing a problem affecting incoming calls from off campus. A serious equipment issue has now been identified off campus, and the vendor will be working through the night to repair it. There is a possibility that fiber cable to our campus will need to be re-run on Monday morning. We will know more in the coming hours about an estimated time of repair.
In the interim, we have put a workaround in place. All incoming calls from off campus are being rerouted to the automated directory assistance system so they can be transferred to their intended destination. Outgoing calls and on-campus dialing should be working normally.
Apologies for the ongoing disruption, and thank you for your patience.
1/14 4:45pm Outgoing calls to off campus are now working. Our vendor is repairing the issue with incoming calls from off campus.
1/14 1pm Incoming calls from off campus and outgoing calls to off campus numbers are currently not working. On campus dialing is available. We are looking into it and will update this post when we know more.
To: Faculty, staff, students
From, more info: Erin Richardson, LTS, x2867