1/19 4:30pm Brief interruption to Library catalog, NExpress, etc.

At 4:30pm, the library resources affected by today’s upgrade will be interrupted for about 15 minutes to address the indexing in the library catalog.  Apologies for the disruption.

9:00am The upgrade is complete, with the exception that keyword searching in the Library catalog is unavailable due to a required re-indexing of data. The re-indexing will not be complete for several hours. Other searching such as Title, Author, and Subject are working normally. Users may wish to use WorldCat Discovery for keyword searches and limiting to Wellesley holdings only.

4-8am: The library catalog and following services will be unavailable for scheduled system upgrades on Thurs, Jan. 19, 4-8am:

My Library account (renew library materials)
Proxy server (access to e-resources)*
NExpress and WorldCat Local requesting
*To access e-resources without the proxy server — from on campus or using VPN from off campus — remove the proxy server from a URL, e.g.:
JSTOR is usually: 
Remove the 0- and luna.wellesley.edu from the URL: 

To: Library patrons
From: Erin Richardson, LTS, x2867
More info: Kara Hart, LTS, x2172

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