The following change does NOT affect your files in Google Drive on the web.
This change only affects individuals who installed the Google Drive Client to sync their files between their desktop computer and their online Google Drive.
The Google Drive Desktop Client for Windows and Mac OS X will stop syncing files to the cloud on Saturday, May 12, 2018. It is being replaced by the File Stream Client for G Suite (your Wellesley account) and Backup & Sync for consumers (any personal gmail account).
To continue syncing your Wellesley Google Drive files to your computer, upgrade to the Drive File Stream Client through our website:
- Drive File Stream creates placeholders on your computer, and only downloads files you want to work on locally, saving your space on your hard drive.
- It can be set up to download and sync all of your files, same as the old Google Drive Client.
- In can now sync your Team Drive files, although files are limited to read-only for now.
To: Everyone
From: Heather Woods, LTS, x3175
More info: Computing Help Desk, LTS, x3333