Due to late arrival of repair equipment, the phone outage previously scheduled for 9:30-10 in the following buildings has been moved to 2-2:30 this afternoon. Apologies for the short notice. Buildings include Simpson, the Observatory, Stone Center, Child Study Center, and roughly 1/3 of the Science Center.
6:25am Phones in Simpson, the Observatory, Stone Center, Child Study Center, and roughly 1/3 of the Science Center will be unavailable from 9:30am-10:00am this morning so that our phone vendor can fix the ‘no ringing’ problem.
8/20 4:30pm Phones in Simpson, the Observatory, Stone Center, Child Study Center, and roughly 1/3 of the Science Center are not ringing. Calls to these phones are going to voicemail.
We are working with our vendor to restore full service to these phones as soon as possible.
To: Students, Faculty, and Staff
From: Erin Richardson, x2867
Questions: Computing Help Desk, LTS, x3333