LTS will be upgrading several of our systems in preparation for Fall 2021. The days and times that these systems will be unavailable are listed below. If you have any issues accessing these services after their upgrade windows, please contact the Help Desk at or 781-283-3333 so we can assist you.
Wednesday, Aug. 25 5 AM – 8 AM
The KeyServer will undergo maintenance. The following applications may not be available at times:
Ableton Live, Adobe Captivate, ATLAS.ti, Band-in-a-Box, EarMaster, Faces, JMP, Jitter/Max/MSP, Maya, Mellel, Stata/IC and Stata/SE -
Sibelius and Sequencher may be unavailable at times as their license manager server undergoes maintenance.
Thursday, Aug. 26 5 AM – 8 AM
ArcGIS, Autodesk MAYA, Geneious, Matlab in classrooms, Mathematica and SPSS may be unavailable at times as their license manager server undergoes maintenance.
Tuesday, Aug. 31 5 AM – 8 AM
NI LabVIEW and Rhino may be unavailable at times as their license manager server undergoes maintenance.
To: Everyone
From, more info: Erin Richardson, LTS, x2867