We’re writing to provide a few updates on Duo Single Sign On (SSO), which has been in place for most applications since mid January. The only known issue is scanning to Google Drive on a Xerox MFD is currently not working. While we are working with the vendor on a solution, you can use the Scan to Email function instead. If you have any questions about using Duo SSO, please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@wellesley.edu, or 781-283-3333.
Browser Trust Setting
We have put together general tips on using Duo SSO. The most common question is why the “trust for 30 days” setting doesn’t always stick. The reason this happens is when you sign out of an application, in most cases your trust setting is deleted from the browser. The solution is to not logout of any applications on your own computers. Most applications timeout and close your session if left idle. When this happens, though it is equivalent to a logout, it does not delete the 30 day setting.
Remember the “trust this browser” setting is meant for your personal devices – not public or classroom computers – where you always want to be sure you are signed out and logged out of your SSO session.
Small Change to Trust this Browser Popup
Duo has updated the “trust this browser” popup that you see after authenticating your 2FA device. With this update, the sequence of windows is now streamlined so the “trust this browser” checkbox is immediately visible. Note that after the first 30 days are up, the “trust this browser” checkbox is now at the bottom of the window.
To: Everyone
From, more info: Erin Richardson, LTS, x2867