LTS will be doing maintenance on several systems after finals. The days and times that these systems will be unavailable are listed below. If you have any issues accessing these services after their maintenance windows, please contact the Help Desk at or 781-283-3333 (staff and faculty) or 781-283-7777 (students) so we can assist you.
Tuesday, May 17 6 AM – 8 AM: KeyServer and math license managers
Software that could be affected:
- Ableton Live
- Adobe Captivate
- ATLAS.ti
- Faces
- Jitter/Max/MSP
- MassHunter
- Mathematica
- MATLAB on classroom/lab computers
- Mellel
- Stata/IC and Stata/SE
Wednesday, May 18 6 AM – 8 AM: Adobe Creative Cloud Software
- You may be unable at times to log in to Adobe Creative Cloud software as its license manager server undergoes maintenance.
If you are a current faculty/staff member or student and have any issues accessing Adobe after this maintenance window, please contact the Help Desk at or 781-283-3333 (staff and faculty) or 781-283-7777 (students) so we can assist you.
To: Everyone
From: Daniella ElBialy, LTS, x3973
More info: Computing Help Desk, LTS, 781-283-3333 (faculty/staff), 781-283-7777 (students)