ILL alert: plan ahead for Thanksgiving Break

Because there are typically delays with libraries’ lending of materials during the period before the Thanksgiving holiday, we advise you to place your ILL requests as soon as possible. Requests placed closer to the Thanksgiving break are unlikely to be filled until after the break. Service will resume as normal on 12/2. Please see the ILL website for further information.

Please contact with any questions.

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Erroneous emails sent out

Due to a database glitch, you may have received emails regarding supplier creation or that your time off was approved from Workday. You may disregard these emails. We are sorry for any inconvenience and appreciate those that diligently followed up!

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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Change to VPN on Friday Nov 8th at 8AM

During the last few days we have been targeted by hackers who have been running a brute force password attack through our VPN (virtual private network) system. In short, they repeatedly try to login to several of our accounts with different passwords. When we have excessive password failures we lock out the account for a short period of time, but then they start over again. This has resulted in a tremendous load on our VPN system and also on active directory where our passwords are stored. Unfortunately, Cisco, the vendor whose VPN system we currently use, does not have a technical solution to prevent this from happening because of the nature of the technology used. 

In order to protect our VPN connections and reduce the password attempts directed at our Active Directory, we would like all VPN users to connect to in your web browser or enter in your Cisco AnyConnect client. Whereas some of you already use the secure version, many simply connect to and this should be modified to include /secure. This change will be implemented starting at 8:00 AM tomorrow. At that time most existing VPN connections will stop working and you will be required to reconnect.

 If you experience any issues connecting to /secure, please contact the LTS Helpdesk at 781-283-3333 or

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Intermittent issues accessing our Virtual Private Network 

We are experiencing intermittent issues with access to the VPN. We are investigating this and will provide updates as needed.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you.

To: Everyone

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671


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Issue with Zoom Phone Voicemail delays and SMS delays RESOLVED

10/16/24 – 6:38 PM – Incident was resolved by the vendor.

10/16/24 – 12:30PM – We have received this notice from Zoom. We will keep the community updated as we learn more.

New incident: Investigating

We are currently investigating an issue with Zoom Phone Voicemail delays. We are also experiencing SMS message delays with Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center. We will provide more information as we have them.

Zoom Status Updates

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License Manager Monthly Server Updates – Every 4th Tuesday of the Month

As part of our data security and risk mitigation efforts we are required to update our servers on a regular basis to ensure critical patches are being applied. We strongly advise that you save your work prior to the update and quit the applications before the updates begin. Additionally, avoid scheduling any long-running software tasks that may be interrupted by the maintenance window.

The window is every 4th Tuesday of the month from 4 AM – 5 AM.

Next update is on October 22nd.

Software that could be affected:

  • Ableton
  • Geneious
  • Geneious Prime
  • LabView
  • JMP
  • KeyShadow
  • Mathematica
  • Matlab
  • Max 8
  • Maya
  • Rhino
  • Stata
  • Sibelius
  • SPSS 

If you have any issues accessing the following software after the maintenance window, please contact the Help Desk at or 781-283-3333 (staff and faculty) or 781-283-7777 (students)  so we can assist you.

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Internet Archive outage

There is currently a temporary outage of the Internet Archive. The digitized versions of content belonging to the College linked from the library’s catalog and hosted at is not available at this time.

Several (but not all) of these digitized collections are available on the College’s Institutional Repository at

Please contact with questions.

Jenifer Bartle
Director of Library Collections

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CORRECTION: LTS Support on Monday, October 14th, Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Correction: The libraries will be open and staffed by students from 11am-9pm on Monday Oct 14. The libraries will be open on Tuesday, Oct 15th  from 8:30- midnight.

LTS staff will be unavailable on Monday, October 14th, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a holiday that the College observes.

  • Clapp and the Art and Music Libraries will be accessible via swipe access using your ID card between 8:30 AM and 12 AM (midnight). Student employees of LTS will be present during these hours to provide limited support.
  • Special Collections and Archives will be closed.
  • LTS Help Desk and Registrar’s Office will also be closed and we will not be able to respond to the emails sent to the ticketing system until Tuesday, October 15th.
  • In case of any major issues such as a network or service outage, please call the Campus Police to report. They will call the appropriate LTS staff to help diagnose and correct the issue.

To: Students, Faculty and Staff

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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LTS Support on Monday, October 14th, Indigenous Peoples’ Day

LTS staff will be unavailable on Monday, October 14th, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a holiday that the College observes. 

  • Clapp and the Art and Music Libraries will be accessible via swipe access using your ID card between 8:30 AM and 12 AM (midnight). Student employees of LTS will be present during these hours to provide limited support.
  • Special Collections and Archives will be closed.
  • LTS Help Desk and Registrar’s Office will also be closed and we will not be able to respond to the emails sent to the ticketing system until Tuesday, October 15th.
  • In case of any major issues such as a network or service outage, please call the Campus Police to report. They will call the appropriate LTS staff to help diagnose and correct the issue. 

To: Students, Faculty and Staff

From, more info: Nephellie Dobie, Assistant CIO, LTS x3671

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10/7 10pm – 10/8 6am Library system maintenance

The Library system will be undergoing a planned upgrade from Monday 10/7 10PM to approximately Tuesday 10/8 6AM. During this time, the Library Catalog and Supersearch will have limited data. Users will still be able to place InterLibrary Loan requests from both services.

To: Everyone
More info: Kara Hart, LTS, x2172

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