5/11 Security updates for Macs

Apple has released critical security updates for the two most recent operating systems, Catalina and Big Sur.  This includes a security patch to combat a variant of Shlayer malware.  We urge you to run this software update as soon as you can. 

As stated in our April 2nd alert about the increase in ransomware targeting educational institutions, Macs are not immune from ransomware attacks. Mac users should run available updates regardless of the macOS they have installed.  

Please read the following carefully so you don’t inadvertently upgrade to Big Sur in the process before confirming software compatibility.

If you are considering upgrading to Big Sur, please see the known software incompatibilities first.

Please contact the LTS Helpdesk if you have any questions.

Updating your Mac:

If you have macOS Catalina and older:

  1. Go to System Preferences and open Software Update. 
  2. Your computer will take a few seconds to display the latest macOS available. 
  3. To download the latest update for your existing operating system without upgrading to the latest macOS, click “More Info…” under Other Updates are Available. 

If you have macOS Big Sur, you can run updates to install 11.3 without clicking More Info.

Need to find what version of macOS you have installed? Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of your screen. Click About this Mac in the dropdown menu. In the popup window that appears, find the macOS version listed. 

To: Mac Users

From: Erin Richardson, LTS, 781-283-2867

More info: Computing Help Desk, LTS, 781-283-3333 (faculty and staff); 781-283-7777 (students)

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